Sunday, April 20, 2014

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life.
believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live."
JOHN 11:25

I am so grateful for Jesus, His grace, His finished work on the cross, and His death, burial and resurrection. And I'm so grateful for you.

What a blessing it is to celebrate the resurrection of Christ Jesus with you today!

Truly this is the season to rejoice. Our sins are forgiven, our righteousness sure and our eternity secure. And it's all because of the finished work of Jesus!

The death, burial and resurrection of our Savior overcame the grave and are the receipt of our eternity with our Father in heaven. No longer are we distant from God, striving to measure up by our own efforts at righteousness. Today, we are living in the beauty of the new covenant—we are recipients of grace.

You are accepted, approved of and dearly loved by the Father, because Jesus is your righteousness. Sin has no more power in your life. All your sins—past, present and future—have been completely and perfectly paid for.

Whatever you need today, look to Jesus. Don't rely on your own efforts or trust in your own strength. Rest in the finished work of Jesus and receive His provision. He is your wisdom. He is your comfort. He is your strength. He is your healing.

Beloved, I'm so thankful for you. I pray that you experience the power of the risen Savior today and every day.

Celebrating Jesus,

Joseph Prince

Sunday, April 13, 2014

people should not look at themselves as the basis for faith but at God because faith cannot be manufactured. Faith, he
explained, grows naturally and spontaneously the more one knows God.

“Never ask yourself if you have faith. The more you ask yourself these questions, the less your faith. We are not talking of faith in faith or faith in yourself; we are talking of faith in God. You cannot manufacture faith. If faith would be in pastors or saints, faith would be weak and fragile,” he said, adding, “Faith is holding on to what God has promised. Whether your faith is great or small is not the issue. The issue is, if God has promised, will He lie or change? Your coming here shows you know God. And when you know God, faith will spontaneously grow. You are committing yourself and your things to Someone smarter, cleverer and more powerful – that is why you are here.”

Aided by the scriptures in John 14:25-27 and Romans 10:17, he said, “Faith comes out by hearing the Word of Christ. If my Father promised me something, I believe He will give me that thing. My belief is solid because I believe on the promise of my Father. If God’s Word is Spirit, it is capable of developing a spiritual force within our heart called faith. Ask God to give you the grace not to be ignorant of your faith under the tension and pressure of your sickness, disease, temptation, limitation.”

FAITH IS SPIRITUAL FORCE! by Prophet Tb joshua

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

God is a gracious God. He loves to lavish. He loves to give.

Jesus' finished work has opened the way for you to receive the love and blessings that you don't deserve.

At the cross, He cried "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" so that today, you and I can cry out, "My Father, my Father, why have You so blessed me?"

Whatever situation you may be facing today, the Father knows what you are going through; you are not alone.

Because of His great love for you, He has already made your path straight and provided everything you need today. Take your focus off the size of the problem and put your focus on the love of the Father, and I believe your breakthrough will come.

Beloved, I want you to know that I am so grateful for you and my team and I pray for you often.

Thank you for standing with us each month. Your faithful prayers and your generous support make it possible for us to share the gospel of grace all over the world. I am so blessed that believers like you are dedicated to helping us unveil Jesus for the world to see.

If you've been blessed by this message, we'd love for you to forward this email. You may know someone—a family member or a friend—who needs to know Jesus; this could be a great way to share Christ or the gospel of grace with them.

Remember, never doubt that your heavenly Father loves you. It doesn't matter what you've done or haven't done. He loves you no matter what.

His love is an unconditional gift. I hope you'll receive this gift today.

Resting In God's Lavish Love,

God is a gracious God. He loves to lavish. He loves to Joseph Prince

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