Thursday, May 8, 2014

Never allow your sins to define you. You may have fallen in sin but don’t lie in sin. GOD CAN CLEANSE YOU. If you sincerely repent, God will forgive you. RETURN TO HIM; HE’S WAITING FOR YOU. It’s not late. There's hope in Christ. God FORGIVES. God REDEEMS. God RESTORES. Let GOD define you, allow his word to change  you and let not your mind to change the word of God but rather meditate, confess and live the word you will see the power of His word 

Never allow your sins to define you

Sunday, May 4, 2014

IT is God will for you to have self-control and to live upright,
2 Timothy 1:7  For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead, his Spirit fills us with power, love, and self-control. 
God has given us the Spirit of self control because he wants us to live right and operate in Excellence.
what is self-control ?    self control is the fruit of the Spirit, is the gift to all believers not to be earned but  freely given, is the given gift to all who are Born again, if you are Born Again YOU HAVE IT, what you need is to EXERCISE IT.
IS the power given to believers by God through his Spirit to  rule and control themselves over emotions,affections and anger with all negative force surrounding them.
A man without self control is subjected to devil's attacks. He lies exposed to all the temptations of Satan and becomes an easy prey to that enemy; he is also liable to many troubles and vexations; it is likewise as much a reproach to him as it is to a city to have its walls ruined.
Proverb 25:28  A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls. 
All that is good goes out, and forsakes him; all that is evil breaks in upon him.
We are Excellence and God wants us to operate in Excellence Spirit, Can you Say NO to negative image, words or anything contrary to God's Words which Can spoil your christian Life ? if you  are self controlled you Can Say.
Grace will teach you how to live in self control, is the best teacher.
Tit 2:11-12  For God has revealed his grace for the salvation of all people. 
  That grace instructs us to give up ungodly living and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this world, 
Grace will discipline you to be self controlled Have faith in Gods Grace, and meditate on the scriptures  set up your mind to attend on Gods Words, confess on the scripture about self control every day.


Saturday, May 3, 2014

For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”
Perhaps you have heard people say of others: “Oh, if only you had seen my husband in the early years of our marriage. He had such an explosive temper that I used to seek shelter in my mother’s house!”

“No one would have ever guessed that she had such a promiscuous past.”

“As a young boy, he would always lie through his teeth and not even bat an eyelid!”

Man looks at you and remembers what you were like in the past. But when God looks at you through the new covenant, He declares, “I will be merciful to your unrighteousness, and your sins and lawless deeds I will remember no more.”

He states it plainly in His Word as if to assure us: “When you come to Me, don’t think that I am thinking about your sins. Don’t think that every time I look at you, I am reminded of your sins. Not only am I not keeping a record, but I am also not mindful of your failures and shortcomings. I am telling you that I will remember your sins no more, never again!”

God can say that all our sins He remembers no more because there was a time when He remembered them and punished every one of them—in the body of His Son at the cross. He punished every single one of them until Jesus cried out, “It is finished!” (John 19:30) That is why today, God can justly say, “Your sins I will remember no more.”

We all know that we sin from time to time. But the good news is that all our sins have already been dealt with at the cross. They have been washed away by Jesus’ blood. Now, when we come into God’s presence, He sees us without our sins. So beloved, forget your past failures. Believe that God remembers your sins no more and be the righteous man that you already are in Christ!


We couldn't fulfill the righteousness of the Law without Jesus paying the price for our sins. Because of Jesus living in us, and the leadership of the Holy Spirit guiding and directing our lives, we are able to fulfill the righteousness of the Law. Multiplied grace and peace are released into our lives as we behold the image of Jesus found in the Word of God.
There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Through Him, the righteousness of the Law is fulfilled in us (Romans 8:1-6).
In Christ, when you miss the mark it should not bring you under condemnation.
Guilt is an emotional response to condemnation.
The only way you can escape the effects of sin is through the power of the Holy Spirit.
If you keep the power of the Holy Spirit running in your life, you will continue to stay above the law of sin and death.
The temptation to sin will always be there, but you can override those temptations by walking in the Spirit.
People who constantly stay in the Word of God are going to stay on top of fear, lack, sickness, negative emotions, etc.
You stay on top of the issues in your life by staying in the Word of God.
The Law was not weak, but our weak and sinful flesh made the Law impossible to keep; it could not produce anything good because our flesh couldn’t keep it.
Jesus came on the scene and exchanged our unrighteousness for His righteousness through His sacrifice on the cross. All we must do is believe on Him to receive His righteousness.
We are made righteous by faith, not self-effort and good works.
Carnality is man’s effort to be successful without the Holy Spirit.
What Jesus did for us enabled us to fulfill the righteousness of the Law perfectly in two ways:
By being born again
By making a decision to live through the power of the Holy Spirit
Multiplied grace and peace are released in your life (2 Peter 1:2).
We are transformed into the image of Christ as we behold Him (2 Corinthians 3:17, 18).
We are to manifest what we already possess through Jesus Christ in us.
The “glass” we are beholding is the Word of God. As we behold the Word of God, we behold Jesus, and are changed into His image.
Scripture References
Romans 8:1-6
2 Peter 1:2
2 Corinthians 3:17, 18

GRACE By Creflo Dollar

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